Its all about pictures

Today was intense – we went from rain to fog where you cold only see 30ft in front of you to sunny winding descents down stunning mountainsides. We spanned 60 degrees to 95 and I have a sunburn. It surprised the hell out of me because for a time I was worried we’d have to stop early so I could crawl into a bed to dry out and defrost. We saw green undulating hills, deep drops off the road into banana, sugar cane, or corn fields , tiny impoverished  towns, and waterfalls spilling out of rock walls. We settled down for the last night in Mexico in a large town called Pijijiapan- a lovely surprise off the side of the highway thats providing welcome respite for the night. But enough blah blah blah. This post is all about pictures.


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6 responses to “Its all about pictures

  1. it’s not weird that i want to go up and jiggle the neck fat on those cows, is it?

  2. Bill Wingfield

    I loved the pics. Just went on Spot, and either you are doing some site seeing, or your lost? I’m still jealous even if you are lost.

    • umm…not REALLY lost so much. Some difficulties on the Mexican side of the border, that eventually got sorted out. Then I didn’t check and the Spot lost synch somehow just a few miles into Guatemala. Waking up in Antigua and this is going to sound awful…but you SHOULD be jealous. This place is incredible. But i understand you’re having plenty of incredible too!

  3. These are fantastic! And on behalf the Butterfly Princess, I thank you for sparing her darlings.

    I’m really loving reading about your trip – all my knowledge of travel seems to come from movies (delighted that you saw the Treasure of the Sierra Madre Sierra Madres!) so it is fascinating to hear about everything from a friend’s point of view. Also, glad we got a shot of the gas station.

    Miss you and continue traveling safely and fabulously!

  4. sarah chazin

    so great to keep up with you! sounds amazing. be safe. i look forward to the rest of your posts!

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