
I think I’m probably pretty average when it comes to my subscription to superstition and new ageyness; I try pull myself back from notions of fate and to not read too much into coincidence.   I do have one weekly, delightful chink in this armor of practicality: Rob Brezsny’s Freewill Astrology.  I love my Tuesday night private indulgance in this one little paragraph wherein I’m free to squint into the few words for some self recognition.  If nothing can be found, at the very least it’s usually funny to read.  Here’s this weeks’ package (to be unwrapped):

The odometer will turn over soon, metaphorically speaking. The big supply of the stuff you stocked up on a while back is about to run out. The lessons you began studying a year ago have been completed, at least for now, and you’re not yet ready for the next round of teachings. These are just some of the indicators that suggest you should set aside time for reflection and evaluation. The world may come pounding at your door, demanding that you make a dramatic declaration or take decisive action, but in my opinion you should stall. You need to steep in this pregnant pause.

Every now and again, I read words that stop me just a little bit.  It has been almost exactly a year since I decided to pack up my life in Chicago and head for the hills. I don’t know that I can say that time is pounding at my door, but certainly there is an urgency or an expectancy lingering in the hall.

I dropped my dad off at the airport on Tuesday.  Now, Wednesday evening, he has finished his first days as an employee in Santiago.  The clock, however distant its’ measure, has been started on our new adventure.  For those of you that don’t know:  my father has accepted a position in Chile, and in about two months, I’ll be riding on his coattails to Santiago.  To me, it is still a story I tell people that I can’t quite believe.  Really, the most significant development of the week is that we’ve sold our bikes.  It’s been strange to do and sad to realize, but we can’t import used vehicles on more permanent terms into Chile.   We’ve been oddly fortunate, though, to find a father and daughter who want to take them – it seems so perfect, really.  She’s only just gotten her license and no doubt is living the same craziness and excitement I was just a short year ago.  He’s been riding for much longer and agrees that there is something fortuitous to passing bikes from one father daughter team to another.  Coincidence or fate… hmm.  Hard call.  But I like it.  I am sad to let go of Nancy: she’s been a true friend and carried me through an amazing time.  I am so pleased that she’ll be the new love of someone else.  And, truth be told, I’m already dreaming of my next bike, my next adventure…. For now the challenge lies in finding adventure in the everyday here in Santa fe.   Tick tock.


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10 responses to “Lately

  1. christa wingfield

    Hi Heather, I arrive in Santa Fe Friday night and will be there a couple of weeks. Would love to get together. My US phone number is 412-5629 so give me a call Sat or Sun.

  2. Millie Fernandez

    Yesterday I was just thinking about you and saying that I hadn’t heard from you and that I hoped everything was fine; and today I read on… Sorry to hear about you giving up Nancy, please be careful in those countries, I’m sure you’ve watched lots of movies, expecially (TAKEN), but I continue to pray for you and your Dad and put angels guiding your every move. Continue to enjoy, God Bless .

    • heathermikael

      Millie, thanks you so much for your continued thoughts and warm wishes! I promise we’re taking good care and being safe. I hope you’re also well and having a great time!

  3. Patrick Walter

    Thanks for giving an update… yes father time never seems to stop for anyone. What will you be doing in Santiago?

    • heathermikael

      Patrick, that’s a great question! I’m going to keep doing hair, for sure. It’s an easy way to meet people and get to know the city. Other than that I’ll probably just see what’s available to me and go from there! Hope you’re well!

  4. Tracy Richards

    Hi there. I’m so glad you’re continuing to write about your adventures. I look forward to your updates and seeing where the path leads you.

    All the best from Chicago,
    Take care,

  5. bob patterson

    What a great story you and your dad are weaving. And how great is it that our lives managed to intersect over a couple of motorcycles. It’ll be great to keep that father / daughter thing going with those bikes, and to follow your continuing adventures. It’s been a real pleasure to have you over. Don’t be a stranger.

    • heathermikael

      i don’t intend to be a stranger! you and margot and julie will probably help me pack my bags 🙂
      its been such a pleasure- kismet i think. thanks for your post, bob!

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