
We made it! Despite a whole squadron of Police on the infamous route 14, we arrived safe and sound in Buenos Aires. Details to follow…but somehow this mural, just down the street, seemed appropriate.


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5 responses to “Woohoo!

  1. Uncle Bill

    Free at last….Free at last! I just saw “Noah, the Musical” at one of the theaters in Branson, MO. There was a sense of joy as those pent-up creatures left the Ark, free from the confines of their cages. I well imagine the two of you sensed some of that same sense of freedom as you came to the end of one big part of your traveling experience. But you are not done yet. You still have to come home. We want you two wild geese back a bit closer to us.

  2. Lori

    Congratulations!!! Heather, enjoy Buenos Aires and the rest of your adventures, but then get back here ASAP! I miss you.

  3. rafa S

    enjoy BA

  4. Trish

    I love the mural!!

  5. HI Mike and Heather

    I’ve been following your progress and well done. It’s great to hear how it’s going, thanks for your comments on my website, now I get to return the favour. Sending wistful messages from home to people overseas.
    But I’ll be back in the States at the end of June, reuniting with Thelma my bike then heading up to Nova Scotia from LA. Coming home to England in November.
    Maybe I’ll catch you guys somewhere?
    Safe riding

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